Freelance Logo Designer UK

Dave Jones Design - is an award winning freelance logo designer based in Leeds/London, UK. Specialising exclusively in logo design, and branding. I collaborate with start-ups and established companies to create bold and memorable brand identity and logo design.

Freelance Logo Designer UK

I’m a freelance logo designer - with over 10 years of experience helping ambitious challenger brands, startups, and scale-ups stand out with innovative logo design solutions, from logo design, and brand identity to full branding design.

I help propel brands with strategic, and innovative logo design, that will take your business to the next level - and help you get more sales. I offer lot’s of logo design, and branding services, so whether you looking to refresh your current brand, or launch a new one, I offer everything to make this happen.

Book a free design consultation with me today, to get professional guidance on how I can create bold, creative logo design and branding design solutions to help your brand stand out from the crowd.

How can I help you with your logo design project?

  • Logo design solutions that meets your long-term business goals

  • Custom logo design that helps your brand stand out from competitors

  • Creative freelance logo designer with over 10 years of experience in logo design

  • A strong design portfolio for a range of startups and established brands

  • I can work with you to ensure your logo project is delivered on time, and on budget

  • I work with lot’s of different companies - from start-ups to large corporations. I’m also a fully remote freelance logo designer, which enables me to work with companies all over the UK, as well as europe and the US.

  • I work with lot’s of different sectors including:

    • Food and drink

    • Health and Wellness

    • Nutritional/Supplements

    • Beauty And Skincare

    • Lifestyle

    • Hospitality

    • Tech

    • + More

  • I offer everything from logo design - to full branding packages. please see the full list of my logo design services below:

    • Logo design

    • Icon Design

    • Brand identity Design

    • Full Branding for web/print including packaging design, and website design, and social media marketing etc.

    For a full list of the graphic design services, please click here

  • My logo design process includes the following:

    • Brand research/strategy

    • Mood-board

    • Logo design concept stage

    • Logo design development

    • Final artwork sign off and hand over

    • For my full in depth logo design process, please click here

  • I have over 10 years experience working as a logo designer, working with brands of all shapes and sizes, from the UK, to the US. I have also helped many companies gain listings with lot’s of retailers including M&S, Booths, Selfridges, Holland & Barrett, and Harrods. If you are looking to launch, or refresh your brand, then feel free to get in touch below.

Get In Touch

Get a free consultation from an expert freelance logo designer and branding design consultant. Feel free to get in touch below if you would like to discuss a particular logo design, brand identity, or branding project.

looking for a UK based Freelance Logo Designer to help with your logo design project?